Site Search Tracking in GA4

What Is Site Search Tracking In GA4 And Why Is It Important?

Why is search engine tracking so important for businesses? And how can you use Google Analytics to track your website’s search engine traffic? In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of GA4’s search engine tracking capabilities and show you how to set it up for your business. So, whether you’re just getting started with

What Is Site Search Tracking In GA4 And Why Is It Important? Read More »

Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ)

What is Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ)?

Google Analytics Individual Qualification is a certification that proves your proficiency in Google Analytics. It is designed for business professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in using Google Analytics to measure and analyze website traffic. The exam covers beginner, intermediate and advanced concepts, so it is suitable for people with all levels of experience.

What is Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ)? Read More »

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