What is the Google Ads Certification cost and what does it include?

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If you’re a business owner, you know that online advertising is a great way to reach new customers. But did you know that you can get certified in Google Ads?

When considering a Google Ads certification, the cost is an important consideration. Generally speaking, the Google Ads certification cost is around $100, though prices may vary depending on the specific program you choose.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the different costs associated with getting certified and how to make it work within your budget. Let’s get started!

Google Ads Certification Cost

The Google Ads Certification Exam tests your knowledge of Google Ads and ensures that you understand how to set up and manage campaigns. The exam consists of multiple-choice and true/false questions and you must achieve a passing score of 80% or higher to become certified.

You can take the exam online at any time and you’ll receive your results immediately upon completion. If you don’t pass the exam, you can retake it as many times as needed until you achieve a passing score.

The Google Ads Certification cost is $100. This includes access to the Google Ads platform and the ability to take the certification exam. Once you’ve passed the exam, you’ll be certified for life and will have access to all of the Google Ads features.

You can also choose to purchase the Google Ads Certification Kit, which includes a voucher for the exam, study materials and a practice exam. The kit costs $199.

How can you become a certified Google Ads professional?

To become a certified Google Ads professional, you’ll need to pass the Google Ads Certification exam. The exam covers basic and advanced aspects of Google Ads, including managing campaigns, setting bids and budgets, targeting keywords and measuring campaign performance.

To prepare for the exam, review the study guide and take the practice exam. Once you pass the exam, you can download and print your certificate.

With these credentials, you’ll be able to demonstrate your expertise to current and potential clients and get the most out of your Google Ads account. Also, your Google Ads certification will never expire.

Also Read: Are Certificates from Udemy Recognised?

What benefits will you receive from becoming certified in Google Ads?

As a certified Google Ads professional, you’ll have access to several benefits that can help you in your career. These benefits include:

  1. Personalized certificate that you can download and print, to show clients and employers your expertise in Google Ads
  2. Use of the Google Ads Certified logo, which you can include on your resume, website, or email signature
  3. Access to exclusive resources, such as tips and tutorials from Google product experts
  4. Invitations to events and webinars for certified professionals
  5. Early access to new Google Ads features
  6. A badge for your Google Profile, to show off your certification status
  7. The knowledge and skills needed to get the most out of your Google Ads account

How much does the google ads certification exam cost and how long is it valid for?

The Google Ads Certification Exam costs $100 and is valid for 1 year. You can retake the exam after that time if you need to renew your certification. There are no prerequisites for taking the exam, but we recommend that you have some experience using Google Ads before taking the test.

The exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and you have 2 hours to complete it. You need to score at least 80% on the exam to pass. The exam is available in English, Spanish, French, German and Japanese. You can take the exam online from anywhere in the world.

What are some of the topics covered in the exam? 

The topics covered in the exam include:

  • Creating and managing campaigns
  • Setting bids and budgets
  • Targeting keywords
  • Measuring campaign performance
  • Optimizing campaigns for success
  • Audience targeting
  • Conversion tracking
  • Display advertising
  • Mobile advertising
  • Video advertising
  • Search advertising
  • Shopping campaigns
  • Remarketing
  • Reporting and analysis
  • Advanced features and strategies
  • Best practices
  • Industry trends
  • Google Ads policies and guidelines

Are there any study materials or resources available to help prepare for the exam?

Yes, there are a number of study materials and resources available to help you prepare for the exam. These include:

1. The Google Ads Certification Study Guide: This guide covers all of the topics that are covered on the exam and includes practice questions to help you prepare.

2. The Google Ads Certification Practice Exam: This exam is a simulation of the actual certification exam and can be taken as many times as you like to prepare for the real thing.

3. Google Ads Help Center: The Help Center contains a wealth of resources on using Google Ads, including how-to articles, video tutorials and more.

4. Google Ads Certification Forum: This forum is a great place to ask questions and get advice from other certified professionals.

5. Google Ads Academy: The Academy offers a series of free courses that cover the basics of using Google Ads.

6. Official Google Blog: The Official Google Blog is a great resource for keeping up with the latest news and updates from Google.

7. Google Ads YouTube Channel: The Google Ads YouTube channel contains a number of helpful video tutorials on using the platform.

FAQs – Google Ads Certification Cost

Is Google Ads certification easy?

No, Google Ads certification is not easy. However, if you prepare for the exam using the study materials and resources available, you will have a good chance of passing.

How long does it take to be certified in Google Ads?

It depends. If you already have a good understanding of Google Ads and use the study materials and resources available, you could be certified in as little as a few days.

However, if you are new to Google Ads, or you need to brush up on your skills, it could take weeks or even months to be fully prepared for the exam.

Where can I study for Google Ad certification?

To study for Google Ad certification, you can take the Google Ads Fundamentals Exam and the Search Advertising Exam. You can also find many helpful resources online, such as practice exams and study guides.

Which Google Ads certification is the best?

There is no one “best” Google Ads certification. The best certification for you will depend on your goals and objectives.

If you want to be certified in all aspects of Google Ads, then you should take the Google Ads Fundamentals Exam and the Search Advertising Exam.

If you only want to be certified in specific areas of Google Ads, such as Search Advertising or Display Advertising, then you can take the exam in that particular area.

No matter which Google Ads certification you choose, you will need to study hard and be prepared for the exam.

How much does a Google ad specialist make?

Google ad specialists make an average of $50,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $30,000 to $70,000 per year, depending on experience and location.


The Google Ads Certification cost is $50 each. You can take as many attempts as you need to pass an exam and there is no time limit. The best way to prepare for an exam is by using Google’s training materials and taking practice quizzes.

With some effort and preparation, you can earn your certification or run more effective marketing campaigns.

The Google ads certification cost for the professional version is $150. You can choose from a variety of exams covering different aspects of online advertising.

Although there is no monetary value assigned to becoming Google AdWords Certified, it will undoubtedly look good on your resume and LinkedIn profile, as well as help you better understand Google AdWords so that you can use it more effectively in your current or future position.

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