How to Track, Find and Fix 404 Errors in GA4?

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If you’re running a website, it’s important to track and fix any 404 errors. You may be surprised to learn that 404 errors can cause big problems for your website’s SEO.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to track and find 404 errors in GA4 so you can fix them as quickly as possible. 

We’ll also provide some tips to help you keep your website running smoothly. So don’t wait – read on to get started!

What are 404 errors and why are they important to track and fix in GA4?

A 404 error is a response code from a server that indicates that the requested resource cannot be found. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  1. The resource may have been moved or deleted.
  2. The URL may have been typed incorrectly.
  3. The link you followed may be broken.

Since 404 errors represent a failure to deliver the expected content, tracking and fixing them is important to maintain a good user experience on your website or app. Additionally, resolving 404 errors can help improve your website’s search engine ranking.

Because 404 errors are often the result of incorrect or outdated links, it is important to regularly check your website for broken links and update them as needed. You can use a tool like Google Search Console to help you find and fix 404 errors on your website.

Also, be sure to monitor your website’s analytics to see if there are any patterns in the way that users are encountering 404 errors. This can help you determine which areas of your website need improvement.

How to find 404 errors in GA4?

To find 404 errors in GA4, go to your website’s report and select “Behavior > Site Content > All Pages.” Then, change the primary dimension to “Page.”

Next, click on the “Secondary dimension” drop-down menu and select “Search Console.” Finally, click on the “404” option.

This will show you a list of all the 404 errors that have occurred on your website, along with the date and time, the page URL and the referring URL.

You can use this information to help you fix the broken links on your website and improve your user experience.

How to fix 404 errors in GA4?

There are a few different ways to fix 404 errors in GA4. The most common way is to redirect the broken link to the correct page.

You can do this by adding a “301 redirect” in your .htaccess file.

Another way to fix 404 errors is to simply delete the broken link from your website. This is not always the best solution, as it can cause users to get lost on your website. However, if you do delete a broken link, be sure to add a redirect so that users are redirected to the correct page.

Finally, you can also try to fix the broken link by updating the URL. This is only recommended if you are confident that you can update the URL without breaking any other links on your website.

If you’re unsure of how to fix a 404 error, you can always contact a web developer or SEO specialist for help.

Tips for preventing 404 errors from happening in first place

To prevent 404 errors from happening in the first place, it is important to keep a few thing in your mind which include:

  • Creating a 301 redirect: If you have moved your website to a new domain or location, it is important to set up a 301 redirect so that visitors will be redirected to the new location. This will help to avoid 404 errors.
  • Check for broken links: It is important to regularly check for broken links on your website and fix them as soon as possible. This can help to avoid 404 errors.
  • Use a sitemap: A sitemap is a great way to help visitors find the content they are looking for on your website. By including a sitemap on your website, you can help to avoid 404 errors.
  • Keep your website updated: It is important to keep your website up-to-date with fresh content. This will help to avoid 404 errors.
  • Monitor your website traffic: Monitoring your website traffic can help you to identify any potential problems that could lead to 404 errors. By monitoring your website traffic, you can help to avoid 404 errors.

Make your website’s structure and navigation as simple and easy to understand as possible. Try to avoid using complex URL structures with multiple levels of nesting and use descriptive names for your pages and files that will be easily understood by both humans and search engines.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent 404 errors from happening on your website.

FAQs – Find and Fix 404 Errors in GA4

How do I use the debug view in GA4?

The debug view in GA4 allows you to see the data that is being collected by your website’s tracking code. To use the debug view, go to your website’s report and select “Debug View.”

How do I track custom events in GA4?

To track custom events in GA4, go to your website’s report and select “Behavior > Events > Overview.” Then, click on the “Add Event” button.

These custom events can be used to track anything that you want on your websites, such as button clicks, form submissions, or downloads.

What is user property in GA4?

User property is a feature in GA4 that allows you to segment your data by specific criteria such as age, gender, location, or interests. To use user property, go to your website’s report and select “Admin > User Property.”

Wrap Up

The goal is to have as few 404 errors as possible. By tracking, finding and fixing 404 errors, you can help reduce the number of visitors leaving your website. If you want to track 404 errors in GA4, follow the above steps. These tips should help you fix any current 404 errors and prevent future ones from occurring.

We hope this blog post has helped you learn how to find and fix 404 errors in GA4. By tracking and fixing these errors, you can improve your website’s user experience and search engine ranking.

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